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Who's Wearing Outsider? Fashion Revolution Special

Posted on April 19, 2021 by Noorin Khamisani | 0 comments

Today marks the beginning of Fashion Revolution Week, created to ensure we remember the 1,100 people killed in the largest industrial diaster of this century, the Rana Plaza Factory.  This year the focus is on Rights, Relationships and Revolution.

Fashion Revolution

When the current fashion system insists on continued overconsumption, it is revolutionary to simply buy less and wear what you have more.  Another step is to rent some garments rather than owning them.

So we are happy to share some styling inspiration with you curtosy of Catalina Nini.   Here are some of the looks she posted on Instagram, created with Outsider pieces she rented via Reason to Rent. We also took the opportunity to ask a few questions about her thoughts on sustainable fashion. 

Here's Catalina showing three ways to wear our merino wool wrap dress:

Please tell us a bit about yourself and what you do...

My name is Catalina, I currently live in Liverpool and I love clothes. Who doesn’t after all? But (fast) fashion on the other hand, I can’t stand it. While breaking up with fast fashion seems like mission impossible, finding your personal style plays a huge role. I like to believe I am a grown up now and that I know my style.

Charity shops, online second-hand, vintage shops, sustainable and slow fashion brands are my go to option. I am currently working on rebranding my blog which used to be my fashion journal. Bringing more educational content seems so much needed.

Why is sustainability and ethics in fashion important to you?

When it comes to sustainability, we need to understand the essence. Sustainability means to support life. In order words, to LIVE. Now, how we all want to co-exist and behave it`s another story. However, exploiting people, animals and the land is not responsible at all. 

Sustainability has a meaning for me because I grew up with the concept. We all have, at some point. When eating a meal prepared by our parents/ grandparents we didn`t refer to it as organic or bio, we called it simply just food. Passing down clothes from a generation to another and borrowing clothes from our siblings, or relatives was normal. We relied on energy, but we used it less. 

We take the Earth for granted when in fact it is not even ours. We inherited and we must keep it alive so we can all thrive.

What are your top tips for people hoping to engage with fashion in a more sustainable way?

My relationship with fashion has changed over time and being sustainable educated played a huge part.  In the past, I used to think quantity is important. I was also ignorant about who made my clothes or what was in them. Polyester, polyamide, polypropylene? But the dress is so pretty!! Therefore, for a long time, I accumulated too many pieces. Further, I didn`t know what my style was or how garments should fit me. On the other hand, when you distinguish between I LIKE, I WANT and I NEED you are on the right path. 

My mum introduced me to second-hand shopping when I was a teenager, a habit that stuck with me since. Certainly, I would never get bored to look out for treasures. I stopped buying souvenirs when travelling. Instead, I visit local second-hand shops, vintage boutiques. 

Last  April, Fashion Revolution came up with the hashtag #loveclotheslast. If you are not going to wear, love your clothes and repair them, don`t bother to buy them. I learnt to shop with intention and also responsibly. You can do it too. Rent, buy second-hand instead of new, look after your garments, mend, and take your clothes to the tailor. If you want to buy new, look after natural fibres, and brands that care about their workers.

What attracted you to Reason to Rent?

I was one of the ambassadors that helped Reason to Rent to raise awareness on their crowdfunding campaign until they launched officially. I have never rented clothes, therefore I was curious to give it a try. For a long time, I had this misconception that you need to own clothes. Instead, you can rent clothes you will only wear once, such as festive and holiday pieces.  

What was the experience with Outsider pieces?

Discovering small and ethical brands on Reason to Rent was a big surprise and this made it different from the other clothing rental companies. Renting Outsider pieces was exactly what I expected. I have discovered versatile and good quality clothes that stand the test of time. Yes, trendy pieces are fun but when you know your style and you want to build up a wardrobe for years you definitely need to think long term.

Being an Outsider feels great by the way.

And here's four different ways to wear our organic merino wool culotte trousers:


 Outsider. Ethical & Sustainable Fashion since 2009.



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