Outsider news

Make a difference...

Posted on May 09, 2013 by Noorin Khamisani | 0 comments

Since the 24th April I have been following the increasing death toll of garment workers trapped when the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh collapsed.  As of today, the number of innocent people trying to earn a living, that have died is nearing 1000 or more.  The reports keep coming and are more horrific by the day.  According to the Guardian authorities have now begun disbursing salaries to the survivors following protests. 

It is so important for each of us to reflect on such a tragedy and dig deep to understand how this could happen.  Fast fashion is an unsustainable business from an environmental as well as human viewpoint.  The bizarre idea that cheap garments are a bargain has to be transformed.  Making garments is a skill which should be valued and respected - wherever in the world it is being conducted.

Lucy Siegle wrote a fantastic article for the Guardian at the weekend, she highlighted the complexity of large supply chains and the need for consumers to push for change.  You may feel it isn't your responsibility - but perhaps by using your voice you can help to create the change we so desperately need in the fashion industry. We are massive supporters of ethical fashion.

I have always believed the majority of the responsibility lies with the brands - they choose where to manufacture and should be working with factories to ensure working conditions are safe.  But consumers have a huge influence on brands - so if you make it clear that you find unsafe and unethical production unacceptable - the brand involved will have to listen. 

There are several inspiring campaigns - I urge you to have a look, have a think and use your valuable voice to call for a change.

Guilt-free clothingChange.orgThe 1% Campaign

This makes the issue very clear - and another opportunity to support the cause.


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