Outsider garments have always been designed to be timeless, versatile and durable. Our designer Noorin Khamisani conducted research during her MA in Fashion Futures specifically looking at how long our styles were worn and owned as part of a project looking at circular design. You can read more about this research here.
As a natural next step in the evolution of the brand, we have partnered with OWNI to launch Outsider's RESALE platform. This is a dedicated space for you to sell pre-loved Outsider items that you no longer wear or that no longer fit. Alternatively you can also shop archival and sample pieces for less. When you buy from the page, you can trust that all items were bought from Outsider and are sustainable in origin. The beauty of the platform is that all the information you need to sell items is pre-loaded in your digital wardrobe with us so that you can resell with a click of a button. Plus, for every second hand Outsider item you sell, we’ll reward you with a 10% off voucher.
We’ve launched this resale site to become more circular, to track the items we sell and keep them in circulation for longer. The longer we use existing garments the more sustainable they are across their life cycle.
According to reserach conducted by WRAP, in the UK alone there is over £30 billion worth of unused clothing in homes ready to be resold. Sadly, 350,000 tonnes of this is discarded into landfill each year, and a greater amount exported to markets in the global south destroying ecosystems and native industries. Take control of the end life of your products, and prevent waste by selling them through our Resale site.
We are delighted to invite you to check out the platform, list anything you no longer wear and to shop pre-loved Outsider.
Give it a try and we would love to hear your feedback.
Outsider. Sustainable and ethical fashion since 2009.
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